Our goal is to provide good communication to all visitors in Japan
regarding if you are going for a business trip or a vacation.



Our focus is on:

  • Internet access anytime and anywhere in Japan.
  • Driving convenience and high quality communication services for you.
  • Listening to our customers and responding to their needs.


Global Advanced Communications (GAC) Profile

Company TFN Corporation
Headquarters Asano Bldg 1st FL, 2-27-8, Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 103-0004
President Mamoru Nagaoka
Business Telecommunication services, E-commerce, Wholesale
Service Center E-mail info@globaladvancedcomm.com
Web site globaladvancedcomm.com
TEL +81-3-6436-4773(M to F AM9:00-PM6:00 JST)